I recall that around 1964 or ’65, Donovan appeared on a NYC TV pop music show wearing a shirt on which he had drawn a map of an island. After performing, the host asked him about the island, and when Donovan began an explanation, the host, pressed for time, quickly thanked him for coming on the show and went to a commercial break. But in the few seconds that Don had to discuss the shirt, he began to go into what seemed like a very detailed philosophy – so much that I remember that little incident to this day.

I mention this, because years later, an official fan club for Donovan was started, and that was called “Donovan’s Isle.” Given his close association with The Beatles, I always wondered if he had some influence over them regarding the Greek island issue.

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That’s very interesting, and I think it’s possible there was a link. I think in one of the Greek newspaper reports about the Beatles in Greece, there is a passing mention of Donovan also wanting to buy a Greek island.

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Outstanding analysis! I thoroughly enjoyed this and would love to have seen your presentation at the Liverpool Symposium. Was it recorded?

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Thank you! Unfortunately it was not recorded, but the text was very similar to what I've posted here.

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